Channels (Channel 'Public' (Public discussion))

Public discussion

24-08-07 20:27:06: Marid: uh
24-08-07 20:27:10: Marid: I'm trapped in code
24-08-07 20:27:14: Scylla: >.>
24-08-07 20:27:17: Scylla: I broke my room
24-08-07 20:27:20: Scylla: and now Marid's trapped
24-08-07 20:27:41: Hecate: :o.o
24-08-07 20:27:44: Scylla: >.> <.<
24-08-07 20:27:48: Diablerie: Just type IC :)
24-08-07 20:27:57: Scylla: It's saying I'm already puppeting this object
24-08-07 20:28:06: Scylla: but I somehow fucked up my room?
24-08-07 20:28:14: Marid: I did 'tel sn'
24-08-07 20:29:29: Scylla: Couldn't perform move (at_post_move). Contact an admin. (list index out of range) You cannot go there.
24-08-07 20:29:48: Diablerie: You killed all the aliases on the exit I bet. :)
24-08-07 20:30:01: Hecate: :waves her arms around, "Muuuuuurder!"
24-08-08 01:07:34: Scylla: Psst
24-08-08 01:07:37: Scylla: you gotta type SN
24-08-08 01:59:01: Scylla: Test
24-08-08 01:59:04: Scylla: Nooo still cyan ; . ;
24-08-08 01:59:55: Diablerie: :hasn't gotten to channels yet.  But make a ticket for it?
24-08-08 16:43:59: Marid: I wonder why the channels aren't showing up in the right spawn window.
24-08-08 16:44:26: Diablerie: Just to make you question your Regex skills. :)
24-08-08 16:44:34: Marid: :tests.
24-08-08 16:44:36: Marid: Nope.
24-08-08 16:44:52: Marid: Apparently so!
24-08-08 16:45:49: Marid: :tests.
24-08-08 16:45:55: Marid: Ah, there we go.
24-08-08 16:46:14: Diablerie: :woots!
24-08-08 16:47:32: Marid: Is there some kinda OOC command? maybe we should make an 'osay' or something?
24-08-08 16:48:16: Diablerie: :looks like my exit fix word as well. :D
24-08-08 17:05:29: Marid: From an ST perspective, I love that pemit is designed to natively echo to the originator.
24-08-08 17:05:59: Marid: I used to use pemit a lot to send things to people based on their perceptions. I got tired of duplicating commands to have a nice log, so I just started using page.
24-08-09 21:16:04: Scylla: So what's the easiest way to recreate staff nexus?
24-08-09 21:16:08: Scylla: and reconnect teh rooms?
24-08-09 21:17:12: Diablerie: :hmms.  Can you grab the exits?  Cause I'm not sure.  I'd think grabbing the exxits droping them in the place.  Or maybe we can do it in the admin panel! :D
24-08-09 21:18:01: Scylla: I grabbed them
24-08-09 21:18:11: Scylla: Now just @destroy #3?
24-08-09 21:18:30: Diablerie: Let's try it!
24-08-09 21:19:51: Scylla: Hm
24-08-09 21:20:40: Scylla: Okay
24-08-09 21:20:46: Scylla: I fixed the offices now
24-08-09 21:21:06: Diablerie: I think I know what it is.
24-08-09 21:21:50: Scylla: Oh?
24-08-11 18:42:46: Scylla: LImbo'ers.
24-08-11 18:42:50: Scylla: Come into the staff Nexus.
24-08-14 04:44:14: Scylla: Help :(
24-08-14 04:47:59: Diablerie: on moment!
24-08-14 04:48:03: Scylla: Thanks
24-08-14 09:50:40: Scylla: I'm sorry ; . ;
24-08-14 09:50:46: Scylla: I didn't mean to break things ; . ;
24-08-14 09:50:52: Diablerie: No worries! :)
24-08-14 09:50:56: Scylla: <3
24-08-14 09:51:02: Diablerie: That's what alpha testing is for!
24-08-14 09:51:25: Scylla: I think it's to do with LS tbh the more I think about it for some reason cause that's the connection between the two rooms is that I used a LS alias
24-08-14 17:43:21: Scylla: Marridddd
24-08-14 17:43:22: Scylla: You here?
24-08-14 17:44:13: Marid: hey!
24-08-14 17:44:30: Scylla: Looking for advice on these builds
24-08-14 17:51:44: Scylla: Oops. I forgot this entire district's sectors apparently
24-08-14 17:56:21: Scylla: Okay it's moved
24-08-14 17:56:28: Scylla: This is the buggy room that you can't use 'look' or 'L' in
24-08-14 17:57:10: Marid: University City is missing now
24-08-14 17:57:17: Scylla: Fuck
24-08-14 17:58:31: Scylla: I apparently didn't do a few sectors last night I thought I did.
24-08-14 18:01:12: Marid: La Jolla Sector doesn't allow for looko, that's weird.
24-08-14 18:01:15: Marid: 'look'
24-08-14 18:01:23: Scylla: Yeah, that's one of the two rooms buggy
24-08-14 18:02:28: Marid: What's the other?
24-08-14 18:04:30: Scylla: 80
24-08-14 18:04:31: Scylla: 190
24-08-14 18:04:42: Scylla: I has a question
24-08-14 18:05:13: Scylla: This AI popped out Torrey Pines State Beach in the Del Mar sector, should it go here or pop it closer to the Torrey Pines neighborhood? I'm staring at map and while yeah it's south of Del Mar I feel for confusion state to put it in the torrey pines area?
24-08-14 18:05:51: Marid: It's close to Del Mar. We can either have it be its own thing or have it be part of Del Mar. It's right south of it.
24-08-14 18:06:06: Scylla: :nodnods, I'll put it in this sector then :)
24-08-14 18:06:07: Marid: North to south, it goes Del Mar -> Torrey Pines -> La Jolla
24-08-14 18:06:26: Marid: You can get to all of it using the 5
24-08-14 18:06:49: Scylla: Race track is now in Del Mar
24-08-14 18:09:23: Marid: I don't know Evennia enough to understand why look wouldn't work in one room but would in another haha.
24-08-14 18:13:02: Scylla: LS
24-08-14 18:13:07: Scylla: That's the only common thing between those rooms
24-08-14 18:13:11: Scylla: There's an LS alias in the exits
24-08-14 18:13:19: Scylla: I just don't know why LS would effect it
24-08-14 18:14:54: Scylla: Huh
24-08-14 18:15:03: Scylla: University City Sector exit is back at Northern District btw
24-08-14 18:15:36: Marid: That fixed it. I removed the exit marked 'LS'
24-08-14 18:15:46: Marid: OH.
24-08-14 18:15:59: Scylla: Is the exigt renamed or fully remoed? ; . ;
24-08-14 18:16:09: Marid: Removed, I'll open a new one.
24-08-14 18:16:13: Scylla: Okie
24-08-14 18:16:37: Scylla: Ok so this AI says that UCSC should go into the University City Sector. Ignore that since it should be in the La Jolla itself right?
24-08-14 18:16:50: Marid: UCSC should go to College Area.
24-08-14 18:16:57: Marid: Er
24-08-14 18:17:08: Marid: Sorry, I got confused about the c's
24-08-14 18:17:19: Marid: UCS*D* would technically be in La Jolla, but it's on the edge of University City
24-08-14 18:17:30: Marid: SDSC should be in College Area
24-08-14 18:17:33: Scylla: Which sector would you prefer it to be in?
24-08-14 18:17:37: Marid: *SDSU
24-08-14 18:17:59: Marid: Mmmm... I mean, University City is sort of like how USC has that big residential area by it.
24-08-14 18:18:10: Marid: It's basically housing for people who work or go to UCSD
24-08-14 18:18:19: Scylla: So perhaps move UCSD to this sector?
24-08-14 18:18:22: Marid: But I could see it being part of it for the sake of continuity
24-08-14 18:18:26: Marid: Yeah, let's do that.
24-08-14 18:23:26: Diablerie: So much Pub! Gotta fix those colors! :D
24-08-14 19:14:04: Scylla: Yas
24-08-14 19:14:09: Scylla: Pub is so ick
24-08-14 19:14:15: Scylla: Lunch time. I'll be on discord :D
24-08-14 21:25:47: Scylla: LS was the banned alias due tot he look command, right?
24-08-14 21:27:09: Marid: Yeah, it's aliased to 'look.'
24-08-14 21:27:12: Marid: 'l' and 'ls'
24-08-14 21:27:26: Scylla: tHanks
24-08-14 22:46:14: Scylla: Uh oh
24-08-14 22:46:16: Scylla: I got broken
24-08-14 22:46:20: Charybdis: What did you do?
24-08-14 22:46:26: Scylla: Not me this time I don't think.
24-08-14 22:46:31: Charybdis: :eyes
24-08-14 22:46:33: Marid: Hm
24-08-14 22:46:40: Marid: I tried to tel to you, but I tel'd inside of you.
24-08-14 22:46:44: Marid: Can you 'drop marid'
24-08-14 22:47:05: Scylla: One of the exits is funked
24-08-14 22:47:11: Charybdis: Oh, just a fubar on exit naming is all
24-08-14 22:47:12: Circe: The number of times I've typoed and @tel'd into a player... :D
24-08-14 22:48:14: Marid: It was an alias issue, all fixed!
24-08-14 22:48:15: Charybdis: Oddly enough .. 'look' didn't work for me for a minute.
24-08-14 22:48:24: Scylla: Thank you!
24-08-14 22:48:32: Scylla: Ls is an alias for 'look' we found out
24-08-14 23:27:26: Scylla: Marid, are you still at Coronada?
24-08-14 23:47:04: Scylla: Maridddddddd
24-08-14 23:47:14: Marid: Hello!
24-08-14 23:47:18: Scylla: Hai
24-08-14 23:47:23: Scylla: Can you do me a favour while running around?
24-08-14 23:47:26: Marid: Sure!
24-08-14 23:47:53: Scylla: Can you think about Ocean points? Like parts of these areas that will connect to the ocean? I'm mapping out the ocean as we speak and the bay
24-08-14 23:48:18: Scylla: Purdy please <3
24-08-14 23:48:21: Marid: Yep, I am thinking about that. :)
24-08-14 23:48:25: Scylla: Thanks.
24-08-14 23:48:34: Marid: For sure!
24-08-14 23:49:34: Scylla: Fleshing out this map design with Char then will have it ready to dig for floating rooms to connect.
24-08-15 00:01:50: Marid: Awesome!
24-08-15 00:01:56: Marid: I got all of the existing rooms and their dbrefs.
24-08-15 00:02:04: Marid: This'll make it easier for me to link them all.
24-08-15 00:02:06: Marid: Baby time though!
24-08-15 00:02:12: Scylla: Thanks!
24-08-15 00:02:16: Scylla: I'll drop this stuff in a thread
24-08-15 03:56:20: Scylla: :returns!
24-08-15 04:05:40: Marid: Hey all.
24-08-15 04:05:59: Scylla: Hey you!
24-08-15 04:06:28: Scylla: I was just thinking about you! Not in a creepy way, mind you, but was thinking about the PEntex HQ matter and was thinking of Culver city
24-08-15 04:06:37: Scylla: Err
24-08-15 04:06:39: Scylla: Chulla
24-08-15 04:06:49: Marid: Chula Vista, yeah! Land of office parks.
24-08-15 04:07:03: Scylla: I'm thinking of what if we divide this up a bit more - the actual chula vista.
24-08-15 04:07:20: Scylla: Like from this main point Im at - 328 - run a few off-shoots?
24-08-15 04:07:26: Scylla: So it doesn't get /too/ crowded here.
24-08-15 04:24:39: Marid: The Pentex HQ should be called something nondescript.
24-08-15 04:25:10: Scylla: For sure
24-08-15 04:25:11: Scylla: OH
24-08-15 04:25:15: Scylla: I need to find a spot for the Brewery
24-08-15 04:25:20: Scylla: And we need a mall!
24-08-15 04:26:53: Marid: Brewery!
24-08-15 04:26:59: Marid: Niall has already apped in? :O
24-08-15 04:27:14: Scylla: Oh no. It's a King's Brewery Tap House. :>
24-08-15 04:27:49: Marid: Nice! Okay! Hmm...
24-08-15 04:27:57: Marid: Do you want it to be a nice mall?
24-08-15 04:28:56: Marid: Rancho Bonita Business Park! It's where National Petroleum Inc. is located.
24-08-15 04:28:58: Scylla: I think maybe let's do a nice mall and then let's do a grundge mall?
24-08-15 04:31:39: Marid: That works! Nice mall would be Fashion Valley, I think.
24-08-15 04:31:48: Marid: Grungy malls are everywhere in SD.
24-08-15 04:32:03: Marid: Fashion Valley is right next to Mission Valley which is another mall.
24-08-15 04:32:54: Scylla: Nice. :D
24-08-15 04:33:02: Scylla: If you want to set them where you think they go best, I can flesh out. :D
24-08-15 04:33:17: Scylla: I'm thinking King's Brewery to be near college area.
24-08-15 04:56:25: Scylla: Marid! College Area for the Tap House?
24-08-15 04:56:33: Marid: Oh, sure.
24-08-15 04:56:51: Scylla: Or La Jolla ? :>
24-08-15 04:56:53: Scylla: Hm
24-08-15 04:57:05: Scylla: I'll go back to College area. State are less money than UC kids
24-08-15 04:57:16: Marid: Oh, yeah, true.
24-08-15 05:09:42: Scylla: We need a few O'Tolley's on grid
24-08-15 05:10:41: Scylla: omggg I'm gonna put an O'Tolley's in the crap mall!!!
24-08-15 05:12:08: Macabre: Yus!
24-08-15 05:13:49: Marid: Should I actually put it in Mission Valley East?
24-08-15 05:13:56: Marid: I mean, it is sort of a shitty mall.
24-08-15 05:14:01: Marid: There's a tattoo parlor.
24-08-15 05:14:23: Scylla: I like that idea
24-08-15 05:15:24: Marid: Mission Valley Mall (#754)
24-08-15 05:16:21: Scylla: Thanks
24-08-15 05:16:36: Scylla: I put some high-end pentex things in the main.
24-08-15 05:16:41: Scylla: No Hot Topic though. <.<
24-08-15 05:18:02: Marid: Nice, Siren Cosmetics.
24-08-15 05:18:09: Scylla: :beams.
24-08-15 05:48:31: Marid: Okay, the districts are connected from Central District to Far North.
24-08-15 05:49:07: Scylla: Wooo
24-08-15 05:55:43: Marid: :hangs out in Tijuana.
24-08-15 05:55:49: Scylla: Hehe
24-08-15 05:55:55: Scylla: I have a feelin that's goign to be ap opular spot
24-08-15 05:56:07: Scylla: We should include a room called 'The Donkey Show' for Tellurium
24-08-15 06:00:33: Marid: Okay, I think the whole grid should be connected now.
24-08-15 06:01:40: Scylla: Yay you rock <3
24-08-15 06:01:45: Scylla: Thank you
24-08-15 06:01:48: Marid: For sure!
24-08-15 06:02:38: Marid: There are basically 8 hubs, within which are the various sectors, which splinter off into neighborhoods and points of interest.
24-08-15 06:02:49: Marid: All of the hubs link in some way.
24-08-15 06:03:00: Marid: If you want to imagine it like hubs and spokes.
24-08-15 06:04:58: Scylla: :wooooos
24-08-15 06:23:53: Scylla: You still aruond Marid?
24-08-15 16:23:47: Marid: I'm around now!
24-08-15 16:38:32: Scylla: :yawns
24-08-15 17:52:45: Marid: Should we have a Far East County District?
24-08-15 17:55:54: Marid: For Bostonia and then the canoyons and Sycuan Casino?
24-08-15 17:55:59: Marid: *canyons
24-08-15 17:57:40: Scylla: Yas!
24-08-15 23:54:17: Scylla: Hello Hello
24-08-16 00:48:02: Circe: Okay, I have to use a timer, or I get kicked off everywhere if I idle (no idea why it happens). Is there a silent command I can use on here? On other places, it's @@. But using that on here gets me a 'Command '@@' is not available', which is going to end up getting annoying. :)
24-08-16 00:49:13: Scylla: Huh, that's odd. Ummm let me poke Diab!
24-08-16 00:52:25: Circe: Thank you. :)
24-08-16 00:53:19: Diablerie: Actually, I don't think so. Hmm.  I'm sure we could come up with something.
24-08-16 00:54:11: Circe: I mean, I can put up with it and just ignore it. :D
24-08-16 00:54:32: Hephaestus: Check out 'options' and see if anything there might help?
24-08-16 01:04:54: Circe: :is so not familiar with this code base. So, says something about 'nokeepalive'. Not sure what that means.
24-08-16 01:06:54: Hephaestus: Mine's set to true and I'm not having disconnects, if that helps at all.
24-08-16 01:08:29: Marid: Hmm, you should have noidletimeout set
24-08-16 01:08:57: Marid: Let's try that?
24-08-16 01:09:33: Circe: I'm using potato, so it only allows for global timers (from what I can tell). If I use a different client, will it allow for timers for each 'world'?
24-08-16 01:10:33: Circe: :sighs. Ignore me. I can do that on potato. :/
24-08-16 04:20:23: Marid: :returns!
24-08-16 19:15:38: Diablerie: :retuuuuuurns.
24-08-16 19:22:46: Marid: Hey Diab!
24-08-16 19:32:19: Scylla: BAck!
24-08-16 19:32:41: Scylla: Diab!
24-08-16 19:32:51: Scylla: Come check out the beginning of the caern. It's righteous! Marid's doing an amazing job.
24-08-16 19:33:28: Marid: I made a map.
24-08-16 19:33:35: Marid: It's on the discord in the Werewolf channel.
24-08-16 19:34:50: Scylla: I added a room request :D
24-08-16 20:01:03: Scylla: Mariddddd
24-08-16 20:01:24: Marid: Hmm?
24-08-16 20:02:20: Scylla: Do you like my 90s themed arcade?
24-08-16 20:02:40: Marid: Yeah, it's cool!
24-08-16 20:02:53: Scylla: I figure if it's the crap mall that there would be this 90s arcade that never got a facelift :D
24-08-16 20:03:31: Scylla: I should probably add that note it's 90s themed
24-08-16 20:03:38: Scylla: Could you add that tag by chance please?
24-08-16 20:04:46: Marid: Set!
24-08-16 20:05:40: Scylla: Thanks
24-08-16 20:05:44: Scylla: So I'm thinking..
24-08-16 20:05:59: Scylla: Do we /want/ a housing area and an apartment for each residential area?
24-08-16 20:06:04: Scylla: Or is that going to be over kill?
24-08-16 20:06:10: Marid: Probably overkill, yes.
24-08-16 20:06:38: Scylla: :nodnods!
24-08-16 20:07:03: Scylla: Okay I have an idea
24-08-16 20:07:10: Scylla: :will discord once this is written up!
24-08-16 20:32:30: Marid: :hums and goes around putting in basic details about neighborhoods.
24-08-16 20:32:37: Scylla: Perfect!
24-08-16 20:32:49: Scylla: I'm about to drop on discord something
24-08-16 21:05:22: Marid: I'm going to tel you to my location.
24-08-17 06:04:19: Scylla: Back
24-08-17 06:04:47: Marid: Hey!
24-08-17 06:05:15: Scylla: Hey!
24-08-17 06:06:15: Marid: I got all the neighborhoods in Mission Valley with light descriptions.
24-08-17 06:06:20: Marid: Our grid is huge!
24-08-17 06:06:46: Scylla: It is ; . ;
24-08-17 06:07:04: Marid: Moving on to provide some basic descriptions for College Area now.
24-08-17 06:07:13: Scylla: You'll see Star-Mart :D
24-08-17 06:07:32: Marid: Oooh, that's great.
24-08-17 06:07:42: Marid: Btw, the Umbra in Mission Valley is probably toxic as hell.
24-08-17 06:07:49: Scylla: That makes sense.
24-08-17 06:07:56: Marid: It's where the Kumeyaay villages were before they were all wiped out by the Spanish.
24-08-17 06:08:02: Scylla: ooo snap
24-08-17 06:08:08: Scylla: We need to figure out hte Umbra for around star marts
24-08-17 06:08:10: Scylla: it's particular too
24-08-17 06:09:56: Marid: I'm going to change 'Eastern District' to 'Mid-City District.'
24-08-17 06:10:04: Marid: Which means I have to rename all those exits. >:(
24-08-17 06:10:12: Marid: But it's more accurate
24-08-17 06:10:43: Scylla: Dun dun dunnn
24-08-17 06:11:05: Scylla: The good news is if you do it for one then just c/p it
24-08-17 06:11:11: Marid: True
24-08-17 06:13:36: Marid: Done!
24-08-17 06:21:21: Marid: I'm removing Mesa Colony as I missed that initially. It's just part of La Mesa.
24-08-17 06:23:22: Scylla: Sure thing!
24-08-17 06:39:28: Marid: Man, El Cajon is depressing.
24-08-17 06:39:56: Scylla: oh?
24-08-17 06:56:35: Marid: Mission Valley Sector, College Area Sector, and El Cajon Sector have basic descriptions.
24-08-17 07:33:55: Scylla: I'm leaving Chula Vista to you
24-08-17 17:46:34: Scylla: Good morning!
24-08-18 05:26:23: Marid: :returns.
24-08-18 05:26:29: Marid: Well, 'arrives' I guess
24-08-18 05:31:57: Scylla: Hey
24-08-18 05:32:14: Marid: Hi!
24-08-18 17:22:33: Scylla: I haven't connected all the oceans yet, I'm working on teh last bit of land turf tolive at then will go work on ocean.
24-08-18 17:24:57: Charybdis: :blub blubs under the ocean.
24-08-18 17:24:58: Medea: "It's all good! I'm mostly exploring and seeing what requests I need to put in for team builder (because I am far too likely to end up mistyping something and causing more work all around
24-08-18 17:26:01: Hephaestus: I ended up on the marine traffic site just to throw in a brief blurb on one ocrean room. :D
24-08-18 17:26:21: Hephaestus: And Medea, I have just been reading up on stuff and throwing in the most basic of descs so far.
24-08-18 17:35:56: Medea: It is entirely cool Hephaestus! The past month or so has mostly just been kicking my arse and it feels good to have both brain and energy to look at creating some stuff
24-08-19 04:41:20: Marid: :appears for the evening.
24-08-19 04:41:25: Marid: Wow, full house.
24-08-19 04:47:46: Marid: I will say that I've researched so much about San Diego in the last few days with just these basic descs that that, along with my vague knowledge as a child + visiting my dad as an adult has made me feel very confident about being able to navigate the city
24-08-19 04:48:14: Hephaestus: lol, I am... I keep losing my flow of any writing, because I know nothing about San Diego, and keep falling in wiki holes.
24-08-19 04:48:33: Hephaestus: I do hope I'll pick up the pace. If there's anywhere that really just doesn't need research, I can hammer that out in a heartbeat.
24-08-19 04:49:21: Marid: I started writing about Hillcrest and I was getting my wires crossed because I've heard it described as 'Park West' more often.
24-08-19 04:49:53: Marid: Hmmm... Well, let me think
24-08-19 04:54:52: Marid: Have you been to California at all?
24-08-19 04:56:37: Hephaestus: I haven't, so this has been an interesting exercise. :D
24-08-19 04:57:47: Marid: pub There are the sphere-specific areas, of course. Ocean rooms since an ocean is an ocean is an ocean (though the Pacific is different than the Atlantic if that's what you're familiar with; it's very cold and the California Current is *very* strong). Beaches also generally don't require a ton of research, but the main thing to check is whether it's a hilly beach or cliff-side. We don't really have flat beach lands like around the Atlantic, most of them are either on big rocky cliffs, and the more popular touristy ones tend to just have a hill rise that separates the beach proper from the land.
24-08-19 04:58:26: Marid: Oh, Scylla dropped a ton of apartments around the grid too, which need descs! They don't align to anything RL.
24-08-19 04:58:43: Hephaestus: Ah-hah! I'll scoot over to those, fill them out tomorrow.
24-08-19 04:58:54: Marid: Or if they do and someone lives in, say, Harborview in the Marina, I'll be a little :| if they try to yell at us about realism.
24-08-19 04:58:59: Hephaestus: Do we have a listing of what areas should be wealthy or not?
24-08-19 04:59:24: Marid: Yep, sec!
24-08-19 04:59:51: Hephaestus: ... I honestly kind of like Liberation's resources 1-7 thing (and the merit requirement to pass 5) but that's a whole other conversation, ha.
24-08-19 05:01:13: Marid: Most expensive in descending order: Del Mar, Coronado, Rancho Santa Fe/Solana Beach/Cardiff-by-the-Sea (this is all represented by Cardiff here), La Jolla, Poway, Encinitas, Carlsbad.
24-08-19 05:01:57: Hephaestus: Fabulous. Thanks!
24-08-19 05:02:11: Marid: Least expensive/most dangerous in descending order: East Village, Marina, Horton Plaza, Little Italy, College Area, Columbia, Kearny Mesa, Midtown.
24-08-19 05:02:52: Marid: There are two special rich areas, which are Hillcrest and Granite Hills.
24-08-19 05:03:14: Marid: Also El Cajon is pretty cheap.
24-08-19 05:03:26: Marid: :considers.
24-08-19 05:03:44: Marid: Most of Chula Vista is middle-class affordable.
24-08-19 05:04:03: Marid: This means something very different here, though. :|
24-08-19 05:04:18: Marid: You can probably find a house that's in the low $500k range.
24-08-19 05:05:26: Hephaestus: It is bleakly funny that adapting major cities to WoD doesn't actually require any real adaptation.
24-08-19 05:06:53: Marid: It is pretty funny in that 'heh.' way, yeah.
24-08-19 05:07:06: Marid: At least you don't have to tell people 'it's like our world but *darker*.' anymore.
24-08-19 05:14:12: Hephaestus: Yeeeeah. Okay. I'm off for now. Good night. :D
24-08-19 05:16:23: Marid: Good night!
24-08-19 17:57:27: Scylla: Good morning. :D
24-08-19 18:00:13: Marid: Hello!
24-08-20 02:46:16: Scylla: :collapses in.
24-08-21 05:31:43: Marid: :hmms.
24-08-21 05:32:18: Marid: So, as I'm doing the basic and complete descs, I'm noting that there are places where the sectors bleed into other districts.
24-08-21 05:33:08: Marid: Is it a good idea to make exits to those places, or just have it all at the more abstract level?
24-08-21 05:36:07: Diablerie: Well. Don't think that broke anything!
24-08-21 05:36:43: Marid: Hey, tabs are showing up.
24-08-21 05:36:50: Marid: Not returns, though.
24-08-21 05:37:12: Marid: See #code
24-08-21 05:37:46: Diablerie: Heh.  Copy and paste.  I'll debug it tomorrow. :)
24-08-26 19:11:47: Tiamat: Hey hey!
24-08-26 19:13:00: Marid: Hello!
24-08-27 20:27:58: Scylla: Wheeeee
24-08-27 20:42:50: Marid: Hello!
24-08-31 20:35:25: Scylla: :tests.
24-10-07 03:31:35: Scylla: I forgot about all the ocean rooms ; . ;
24-10-07 03:31:36: Scylla: RIP
24-10-07 04:03:06: Diablerie: :tests!
24-10-07 04:05:22: Andros: works
24-10-07 04:14:41: Scylla: Back!
24-10-07 04:43:03: Scylla: Any questions feel free to ask andros! :)
24-10-07 04:52:46: Andros: Will do!
24-10-07 23:47:40: Scylla: Heyyyyyy
24-10-07 23:52:58: Charybdis: Hey hey
24-10-08 00:01:16: Macabre: Hi
24-10-08 00:07:39: Scylla: Woo peoples.
24-10-08 17:03:21: Scylla: Good morning :)
24-10-08 17:19:00: Marid: Heya!
24-10-08 18:46:02: Scylla: I also totally fail at sending mail so pardon that Marid!
24-10-10 01:01:26: Scylla: :waves
24-10-10 05:04:15: Scylla: I think you're on this channel too
24-10-10 05:04:20: Prometheus: :hides.
24-10-10 23:37:07: Scylla: :Waves. :)
24-10-11 05:55:25: Marid: Hey!
24-10-11 05:56:04: Prometheus: Hey hey.
24-10-11 06:04:33: Scylla: Heyyy
24-10-11 06:07:27: Andros: Halo.
24-10-11 07:13:16: Scylla: Good night <3
24-10-12 01:52:26: Scylla: Hello amazing folks
24-10-12 02:00:30: Hephaestus: I'm a folk!
24-10-12 02:03:13: Scylla: Yes you are! :)
24-10-12 02:04:00: Scylla: I'm going to take another walk through the grid this weekend. I was trying to pair down the non-described sectors to like 2 per sector unless super needed. May be able to chop another district or two, we'll see!
24-10-12 02:04:09: Scylla: Err chop another sector or two *
24-10-12 02:06:11: Hephaestus: Makes sense! Just as I'm looking at a restaurant that's on-grid here, I would say it's worth checking how many bar, club and cafe-style hangouts exist on-grid at the moment, because those are the really easy ones to set a scene for anyone to drop in on, so it's good to have variety.
24-10-12 03:50:26: Andros: Ooh okay, being given that permission now made it work, thank you!
24-10-12 03:52:21: Scylla: Wooo
24-10-12 03:52:41: Diablerie: Sure! :)
24-10-12 03:53:21: Diablerie: also!  help gradientname  :)
24-10-12 03:55:32: Andros: Aww, no permission to do it. lolol
24-10-12 17:43:25: Scylla: Good morning!
24-10-14 03:11:07: Scylla: :wiggles.
24-10-14 18:16:45: Scylla: Good morning lovely people!
24-10-14 18:52:17: Marid: Hey!
24-10-14 18:52:59: Scylla: Hello!
24-10-14 18:53:08: Scylla: On a lunch break so decided to pop over.
24-10-17 05:30:52: Scylla: WOO
24-10-17 05:30:54: Scylla: There's +where :D
24-10-17 05:37:16: Andros: :grins.
24-10-19 01:36:50: Scylla: :waves
24-10-19 01:46:18: Diablerie: :waaaves! :)
24-10-19 01:47:45: Scylla: Hiiiii!!!
24-10-19 01:47:57: Scylla: I am so full on Indian food! Treated myself on payday lol
24-10-19 02:00:20: Diablerie: :is stuck on the phone.  ;.;
24-10-19 02:02:02: Scylla: Work?
24-10-19 02:06:01: Diablerie: :nodnods.  "Side hustle."
24-10-19 02:06:56: Scylla: Oooo !
24-10-21 02:55:45: Scylla: Hello!!
24-10-21 23:34:11: Scylla: Hello wonderful people
24-10-21 23:40:34: Charybdis: Hi Hi
24-10-21 23:41:28: Scylla: Hi my soul sucking ocean buddy
24-10-21 23:41:38: Charybdis: :grins.
24-10-21 23:42:04: Scylla: So I got a preview of the song that Epic's doing for Charybdis :D
24-10-21 23:42:06: Scylla: I'm excited haha
24-10-21 23:42:24: Charybdis: lol. Oh?
24-10-21 23:43:05: Scylla: Yeah! :D I'll find the preview and send it to you when I get home. I forgot my headphoens like a dumb ass
24-10-21 23:43:14: Scylla: So I get to just listen to the sounds of all the annoying people herei n the student union
24-10-21 23:43:32: Charybdis: :snickers.
24-10-21 23:44:18: Scylla: I'm annoyed at being here waiting for a 6pm meeting that's going to last like 15-30 mniutes of info that I know already
24-10-21 23:45:00: Charybdis: Oh, damn
24-10-21 23:45:29: Scylla: I'm falling asleep. ; . ; I wanna take a nap
24-10-21 23:46:53: Charybdis: Naps are good
24-10-21 23:47:11: Scylla: So nice :D Yesss
24-10-21 23:47:24: Scylla: Azura's been taking one all day >.<
24-10-21 23:49:43: Charybdis: :grins.
24-10-22 00:44:50: Scylla: PSsst
24-10-22 00:44:54: Scylla: Char, go explore the rest of the ocean
24-10-22 00:44:59: Scylla: lol let me know what you think!
24-10-24 02:41:35: Scylla: Wheeeeeeee
24-10-24 02:41:43: Scylla: Char! Leave your ocean and explore the dry land ; . ;
24-10-24 05:41:02: Scylla: I'm waiting for my FB to be filled with San Diego Ads now >.<
24-10-24 05:41:34: Scylla: So much searching for these locations to desc ; . ;
24-10-25 04:26:42: Andros: Gradient name!
24-10-25 04:26:45: Andros: woo
24-10-25 04:27:08: Scylla: Wooooooo
24-10-27 01:13:31: Scylla: Hello!
24-10-27 16:00:40: Scylla: Good morning
24-10-27 16:00:49: Andros: morning!
24-10-27 23:16:37: Hecate: Heyas :)
24-10-31 22:11:25: Scylla: Hello wonderful people!
24-10-31 22:51:03: Charybdis: Hi hi
24-10-31 22:51:10: Andros: halo
24-10-31 22:58:25: Scylla: Hai!
24-11-01 22:47:55: Scylla: Hello!
24-11-02 00:10:50: Hephaestus: Oh hi (very very very belatedly).
24-11-02 00:11:07: Charybdis: Hi Hi
24-11-02 00:21:15: Scylla: Hihi
24-11-03 05:54:57: Scylla: Hello!
24-11-03 05:55:40: Andros: holaa
24-11-03 05:56:22: Scylla: Haiii
24-12-01 21:20:54: Scylla: Peoples!
24-12-01 21:23:27: Scylla: Test.
24-12-01 22:21:33: Hephaestus: A good test!
24-12-17 21:37:37: Scylla: Yo! :)
24-12-17 21:38:49: Marid: Hello!
24-12-17 21:39:03: Merrow: :waves!
24-12-19 19:26:56: Scylla: Byabyabya
24-12-19 19:27:26: Merrow: Eyy
24-12-19 19:27:32: Byagoona: :mrphles
24-12-20 00:02:07: Scylla: Lovely to see you around these parts again, Diab.
24-12-20 17:42:30: Scylla: Byabya. We need to get you colourful.
24-12-20 17:43:25: Byagoona: :sadly is colorblind, so my opinion on what colors would look good is a little messed up.
24-12-20 17:44:37: Scylla: :<3s I got you, I'll make you pretty to the world.
24-12-20 17:48:26: Byagoona: :snickers
24-12-20 20:32:13: Scylla: :waves belated!
24-12-20 20:32:20: Scylla: Sorry! was in discord and wiki foo :>
24-12-20 20:36:14: Merrow: Np!
24-12-22 03:26:02: Scylla: So many people :D Hi idle people :)
24-12-22 03:26:30: Byagoona: Hallo :)
24-12-22 03:27:13: Scylla: :Wiggle-wiggle